John Armstrong (1717-1795) John Armstrong, Sr. was born in Brookbor,
County Fermanagh, Ireland, October 13th 1717, A general as well
as a member of the Continental Congress. He became a civil engineer and
then moved to Pennsylvania. In the French and Indian War he led Pennsylvania
militia in destroying the Indian villages at Kittanning and became a friend
of George Washington during the expedition against Fort Duquesne in 1758.
At the age of fifty-eight he was commissioned a brigadier general in the
Continental Army in 1776. He helped defend Charleston, South Carolina,
from British attack later that year, but, feeling his services were not
appreciated, he resigned in 1777. Appointed as a major general in the Pennsylvania
militia, he served in that capacity throughout the rest of the Revolution,
taking part in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown. He was elected
as a delegate to the Continental Congress in 1778-80 and 1787-88. His two
sons John, Jr., and James both served in the Revolution and later in the
U.S. Congress. At the age of seventy-seven, General Armstrong died in Carlisle,
Pennsylvania, on March 9th 1795.
Arnold(1741-1801) After fighting heroically for the American colonies
in the first part of the American Revolution, Benedict Arnold turned traitor
by delivering to the British the drawings of West Point's defenses. One
of George Washington's trusted generals, Arnold had fought loyally as a
colonel at Ticonderoga and as a brigadier general at Saratoga. But the
nature of his personal life and misuse of government funds led the army
to consider a court-martial. But Arnold was only reprimanded. Humiliated
by his ordeal and the knowledge that Congress had promoted five generals
over him, Arnold strongly resented what he considered his country's lack
of appreciation for his ability. Arnold then wrote to British General Sir
Henry Clinton, offering his services. Born in 1741, Arnold served briefly
in the French and Indian War. Owner of a drug store and bookshop in Massachusetts,
he was appointed a colonel in the American army when the Revolution began.
From 1775 to 1777 he fought for the colonies. Arnold was appointed military
governor of Philadelphia after the British army was forced to evacuate.
After Washington gave him command of the Hudson River fort at West Point,
Arnold met with British Major John Andre and delivered the drawings of
West Point's defenses. Arnold was to receive 20,000 pounds British money,
but Andre was captured and the papers were found. Andre was hanged as a
spy. Arnold managed to escape to England. After serving with British military
expeditions in New England, Arnold settled in London and died in 1801.
Clinton (1739-1812) Revolutionary War general, statesman and lawyer
George Clinton was elected governor of New York for six successive terms,
1777 to 1795 and was called the Father of New York State. Winning support
for the principles of the Revolution, Clinton brought an end to Indian
problems in the western New York. Born in 1739 in New York Clinton studied
law and was elected to the Provincial Assembly in 1768, gaining a reputation
as a defender of freedom of speech and the press. Appointed brigadier-general
in 1775, Clinton was elected governor in 1777. An early opponent of the
Constitution because of his belief in state sovereignty, Clinton was forced
by popular demand to agree to its acceptance. Elected governor for the
seventh time in 1800, he later became vice-president during the terms of
Presidents Jefferson and Madison (1804-1812). Clinton died in Washington,
D.C. in 1812.
James Clinton (1733-1812) -- American general in the Revolutionary
War. He was born in Orange County New York, on August 9,1733 During the
French and Indian War he took part in Lt. Col. John Bradstreet's successful
campaign against Fort Frontenac (now Kingston, Ontario) in 1758. When the
American colonies revolted, he commanded a New York regiment and accompanied
Brig. Gen. Richard Montgomery on disastrous expedition against Quebec in
1775. The next year Clinton was commissioned brigadier general in the Continental
Army. He was unable to hold Forts Clinton and Montgomery in New York against
the British forces in 1777, but he and Major. General John Sullivan defeated
the Loyalist and Indians two years later at Newtown (Elmira) , New York.
In 1781 he participated in the siege of Yorktown. Clinton died in Little
Britain, New York, on December 22, 1812. He was the brother of George Clinton,
vice president of the United States in 1805-1812, and the father of DeWitt
Clinton. Source: University of Tennessee vertical files dated
Robert Cunningham
Louis Lebèque dePresle Duportail was one of the dynamic personalities who came to America from France to aid in the War for Independence.
Pinketham Eaton
Horatio Gates (1728-1806)American Revolutionary General Horatio Gates defeated British General Burgoyne in 1777 at the Battle of Saratoga, New York, ending the British plan to split the colonies along the Hudson. Born in England in 1728, Gates served in the British army. Resigning in 1765, Gates settled in Virginia in 1772 and joined the American army. After the battle of Saratoga, he was said to have been involved in a conspiracy to replace General Washington and give Gates command of the Revolutionary army. The plan failed. Gates's part it was never determined, and Congress in 1780 gave him command of the southern army. Losing the battle of Camden in South Carolina, Gates was replaced by General Nathanael Greene. Before he retired for the last time, Gates in 1782 served again under General Washington. Moving from Virginia to New York in 1790, Gates died there in 1806.
Edward Hand (1744-1802) Born in King's County Ireland settled
in Lancaster County Pennsylvania after coming to America while there he
began practicing medicine in 1774. In 1776 at the outbreak of the Revolutionary
War Hand joined the Continental army. He was made colonial in late 1776,
then was advanced to brigadier general in 1777. Hand retired from the military
in 1783 with the rank of major general. In 1784 he served as a member of
the Continental Congress. Hand rejoined the military in 1798 and commissioned
major general and was honorably discharged in 1800.
Nathaniel Heard
Gen. Jedediah Huntington (1743-1818) was reared amid wealth and great social
prominence, he graduated from Harvard and became an active Son of Liberty. In
1774, he rose from Captain in May to Colonel of the 20th Regiment of Colonial
Militia in October. He commanded Minute Men from his hometown of Norwich
Connecticut during the Lexington Alarm in 1775. Later in 1775, he the commanded
the Eighth Continental Regiment which was later reorganized into the Seventeenth
Continental Regiment in 1776. From January, 1777 thru June 1783 he commanded of
the First Regiment of the Connecticut Line. On May 12, 1777 he was promoted to
Brigadier General. His Regiment fought at the Battle of Germantown in October
1777 and wintered over with General Washington at Valley Forge during the winter
of 1777/78. His regiment then went on to fight at the Battle of Monmouth in June
1778. He was on Charles Lee's court martial for misconduct at the Monmouth in
July 1778 and a member of the board that investigated John Andre in Tappan in
1780. Huntington remained in command until the end of the war in June 1783, and
was brevetted Major General for war service. Huntington was also a
Constitutional Convention delegate, and in 1789 was appointed Customs Collection
agent at New London Connecticut by his personal friend, President George
Washington (a post he held for 26 years).
Huntington entertained many distinguished officers in his house, among whom were Lafayette, Steuben, and Pulaski. Huntington's greatness was rather intellectual and moral than physical, as there is in existance a memorandum of the weighing of several revolutionary officers at West Point, August 19, 1788; when Gen. Washington weighed 209 pounds, Gen. Lincoln, 224, Gen. Knox, 280, and Gen. Huntington, 132!
Henry Knox (1750-1806) By leading an expedition that dragged tons of captured arms over the snow from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston during America's fight for Independence, Henry Knox gained distinction as an artillery commander and was later appointed the first United States secretary of war. Born in Boston in 1750, Knox joined the Continental army in 1775 and a year later directed George Washington's troops across the Delaware River to successfully attack Trenton, New Jersey. In 1779 he established an artillery school that became the forerunner of the United States Military Academy at West Point. After his success at the battle of Yorktown in 1781, Knox was promoted to brigadier general. Appointed secretary of war by Congress under the Articles of Confederation in 1785, Knox continued in that office after Washington became president. He fought to maintain an adequate navy. Knox died in 1806.
Learned (1728- ) was born in Oxford, Massachusetts on April 18, 1728,
the son of Colonel Ebenezer Learned and Deborah (Haynes) Learned. In his
early life, he devoted much of his time to the study of books and as he
matured, sat in on the discussions of his father and other men in the community.
As a teen developing into manhood, he realized the difficulties faced by
the Colonies from an unfriendly governmental ministry in London. He became
and earnest advocate of the colonial cause as the crisis developed over
taxation and representation. September 29, 1774, Learned became a member
of the Provincial Congress, which assembled at Concord. The assembly determined
that Massachusetts must stand firm for its liberties. The First Continental
Congress later met in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, where the members
pledged loyalty to England, but also demanded that their liberties be preserved--and
asked Parliament to adjust their difficult conditions. May 1775 was set
as a deadline if the government failed to act. Ebenezer joined the American
cause in 1775. Was promoted to Brigadier General.
Charles Lee (1731-1782) A colorful soldier of fortune who fought
in the armies of three nations, Charles Lee was named a general in the
Continental army in 1775. Lee claimed that the Americans could defeat the
British only by using guerilla tactics and repeatedly refused to order
soldiers under his command to meet the British army in regular battles.
He retreated so many times that his superior officers-especially General
George Washington-began to question his loyalty. Lee was court-martialed
in 1778, found guilty of misbehavior before the enemy, and was suspended
from the army. Many years after his death, papers written by Lee in which
he had outlined a plan for the British to defeat the colonial army were
discovered, causing most historians to consider Lee a traitor to the United
States. Born in England in 1731, Lee served in the British and Polish armies
before moving to the United States in 1773. He died in 1782.
Andrew Lewis (1720-1781)
Born in Ireland came to America around 1732 he settled near Staunton, Virginia.
Lewis commanded a British contingent that defeated the Indians at Point
Pleasant in 1774, resulting in peace with the Indians during the first
part of the Revolutionary War. Also opening up the way for himself and
George Rogers Clark's campaign of 1778-79. He served as Brigadier General
in the Continental army from 1776-77.
Alexander McDougall (1731-1786) Alexander McDougall was born
Island of Islay in Scotland he came to America at the age of eight with
his family. He first commanded British privateers from 1756 to 1763. McDougall
became known as a pamphleteer against the British Government in New York.
For this act he was imprisoned 1770-71. He was appointed brigadier general
1776 and in 1777 took command of West Point after Arnold's treason. McDougall
was also a member of the Continental Congress serving two terms from 1782-82
and again from 1784-85.
McIntosh (1725-1806) McIntosh was born in Scotland and came to the
United States at the young age of eleven. He was promoted to brigadier
general September 16th 1776. Noted for his hot temper McIntosh,
killed Button Gwinnett in a duel, in 1777. He wintered with Washington
at Valley Forge from 1777 to 1778. Failing to carry out plans against Detroit
he was captured by British troops at Charleston, South Carolina in 1780.
In 1783 he was promoted to major general.
William Moultrie (1730-1805) Born Charleston South Carolina.
Repulsed the British attack on Sullivan's Island, Now Fort Moultrie. In
Charleston harbor June 28th 1776. Was commissioned Brigadier
General in the Continental Army 1776 defended Charleston until his capture
1779. The British held Moultrie prisoner from 1780 to 1782. He was exchanged
for a British officer then served as Major General until the wars end in
1782. He twice served as Governor terms : 1785-87 and 1794-96.
Richard Montgomery (1736-1775) A Brigadier General of the Revolutionary War was killed in the assault on Quebec, Canada, December 31,1775, 2:00am. Born of a race of Patriots true, a race whose spirits knew no fear, Richard Montgomery ever held, The glory of his country dear, When duty called, his the response, His sword unsheathed for Man and Right. He never faltered, never quailed; To serve his country, his delight, Son of the Emerald Isle was he, The blood of Scotland coursed his veins, His spirit free as the wind of heaven, He scorned all sordid selfish gains. America did claim his heart, He left his home beyond the sea; When war clouds gathered, this his vow: My land, "Columbia shall be free," With heart as true, as strong as steel, With soul as pure as driven snow. He led the hosts of freedom on, Till hail of death had laid him low. The night was dark; and winter's blasts, Beat fiercely on that patriot band, Neath hail of Death, Montgomery true of heart did stand. Montgomery fell but not in vain, Montgomery dead! He cannot die, Columbia is his Monument, Reared by the hand of God Most High.
Taken from an article that appeared in the Montgomery Vindicator. (Sevier
Co. Tennessee's Paper from About. 1889-1924). The date of the paper was
January 25, 1914
John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg (1746-1807) John Peter served as first brigadier general appointed February 21st 1777 Muhlenburg served as support for troops under General Anthony Wayne in the assault on Stony Point. He also served as second in command under Baron von Steuben in 1780. He is noted for storming British redoubts at Yorktown in 1781 and in 1783 was promoted to major general. Muhlenberg was elected to the House of Representatives for terms 1789-91 1793-95 an again in 1799-1801.He also served as Senator in 1801.
Francis Nash (1720-1777) A Continental Army general who was fatally wounded in the battle of Germantown, Francis Nash was born on May 10th, 1720, in Prince Edwards County Virginia an older brother of Abner Nash. Having moved to North Carolina, he was elected to the colonial legislature there in the 1760's and 1770's. As a captain in the militia he served under Governor William Tryon in defeating the Regulators at the battle of Alamance in 1771. He was elected to the North Carolina revolutionary conventions in 1775, and that same year was commissioned a lieutenant colonel in the Continental Army. He was promoted to colonel in 1776, and the following year to brigadier general. Ordered to march his troops north for the defense of Philadelphia in 1777, he took part in the battle of Brandywine on September 11. The next month, while leading his troops at Germantown, he was struck by a Cannon ball. Three days later he died on October 7th, 1777. Fort Nashborough was named in his honor. As was Nash Co. North Carolina.
John Paterson (1744-1808) American Revolutionary leader born
in New Britain, Connecticut He served throughout the Revolutionary War
Fighting at Bunker Hill, Ticonderoga, Trenton and Princeton. He also wintered
with Washington at Valley Forge. Paterson was made brigadier general 1777
and by 1783 was made major general After the war he settled in Broome County,
New York and served as Judge from 1798 to 1806 also was a member of the
United States House of Representatives from 1803 to 1805.
Samuel Holden Parsons
POTTER, James, Revolutionary soldier, born in Tyrone, Ireland, in 1729 ; died in Centre county, Pennsylvania, in November. 1789. He came to this country with his father, John Potter, in 1741, and the family settled in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, of which the father became high sheriff in 1750. At the age of twenty-five the son was a lieutenant in the border militia, and in 1755 he was a captain under General Armstrong in the victorious Kittanning campaign, after which Armstrong and Potter were attached friends. In 1763-'4 he served in the militia as major and lieutenant-colonel. He sympathized ardently with the colonies in their contest with the mother country, in 1775 was made a colonel, and in the following year was a member of the Provincial convention, of which Benjamin Franklin was president. In April, 1777, he was made a brigadier-general of Pennsylvania troops, and he remained in almost continuous service until the close of the war. In 1777, with the troops under his command in the counties of Philadelphia, Chester, and Delaware, he obtained important information for Washington, and prevented supplies reaching the enemy. On 11 December, while the army under Washington was on its way to Valley Forge, after part of it had crossed the Schuylkill at Matson's ford, it was found that the enemy under Cornwallis were in force on the other side. "They were met," writes Washington, "by General Potter, with part of the Pennsylvania militia, who behaved with great bravery, and gave them every possible opposition until he was obliged to retreat from their superior numbers." In the spring of 1778 Washington wrote from Valley Forge:" If the state of General Potter's affairs will admit of his returning to the army, I shall be exceedingly glad to see him, as his activity and vigilance have been much wanted during the winter." He was chosen a member of the supreme executive council of Pennsylvania in 1780, in 1781 became its vice-president, and in 1782 was a candidate for the presidency against John Dickinson, receiving thirty-two votes to Dickinson's forty-one. He became a member of the council of censors in 1784, and in 1785 one of the commissioners of rivers and streams. He was a farmer, and he left at his death large and valuable landed estates.
Edited Appletons Encyclopedia, Copyright © 2001 VirtualologyTM
Enoch Poor
1736 - 1780
Brigadier General
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Enoch Poor
POOR, Enoch, soldier, born in Andover, Massachusetts, 21 June, 1736; died near Hackensack, New Jersey, 8 September, 1780. He was educated in his native place, and removing to Exeter, New Hampshire, engaged in business there until the battle of Lexington, when the New Hampshire assembly resolved to raise 2,000 men. Three regiments were formed, and the command of one of them was given to Poor. After the evacuation of Boston he was sent to New York, and was afterward ordered to join the disastrous Canadian expedition with his regiment. On the retreat from Canada the Americans concentrated near Crown Point, and Colonel Poor was actively occupied in strengthening the defenses of that post until a council of general officers advised its evacuation, which was accordingly ordered by General Philip Schuyler. Against this step twenty-one of the field-officers, headed by Poor, John Stark, and William Maxwell, sent in a written remonstrance General Washington, on being appealed to, while refusing to overrule General Schuyler's action, concurred distinctly in the views of the remonstrant as to the impolicy of the measure.
On 21 February, 1777, Poor was commissioned brigadier-general, and he held a command in the campaign against Burgoyne. In the hard-fought but indecisive engagement at Stillwater, General Poor's brigade sustained more than two thirds of the whole American loss in killed, wounded, and missing. At the battle of Saratoga, Poor led the attack. The vigor and gallantry of the charge, supported by an adroit and furious onslaught from Colonel Daniel Morgan, could not be resisted, and the British line was broken After the surrender of Burgoyne, Poor joined Washington in Pennsylvania, and subsequently shared in the hardships and sufferings of the army at Valley Forge. During the dreary winter that was spent by the Revolutionary army in that encampment, no officer exerted himself with greater earnestness to obtain relief. He wrote urgently to the legislature of New Hampshire: "I am every day," he said, referring to his men, "beholding their sufferings, and am every morning awakened by the lamentable tale of their distresses If they desert, how can I punish them, when they plead in justification that the contract on your part is broken ?"
General Poor was among the first, to set out with his brigade in pursuit of the British across New Jersey in the summer of 1778, and fought gallantly under Lafayette at the battle of Monmouth. In 1779 he commanded the second or New Hampshire brigade, in the expedition of General John Sullivan against the Indians of the Six Nations. When, in August, 1780, a corps of light infantry was formed composed of two brigades, the command of one of them was given, at the request of Lafayette, to General Poor; but he survived his appointment only a few weeks, being stricken down by fever. In announcing his death, General Washington declared him to be "an officer of distinguished merit, who, as a citizen and a soldier, had every claim to the esteem of his country."
In 1824, when Lafayette visited New Hampshire, at a banquet in his honor, he was called upon by a gray-haired veteran for a sentiment. Lifting his glass to his lips, and after a few explanatory words, he gave: "Light-infantry Poor and Yorktown Scammel." He had seen the latter mortally wounded at the battle of Yorktown. Both men were New Englanders. General Poor was buried in Hackensack, where a fine monument marks his grave.
Count Casimir
Pulaski ( - )Polish calvaryman Casimir Pulaski was an impatient
man. He came to America spoiled for action, complained to Congress whenever
there was none, and earned a reputation as an unreliable malcontent. But
he redeemed his name, and lost his life, while leading a headlong charge
at the battle of Savannah.
Gurdon Saltonstall
Charles Scott (1739-1813) An American officer born in Powhatan
County Virginia. Served in the American contingence under then captain
George Washington in the Braddack's campaign against the Indians in 1755.
Commanded a Virginia regiment 1775-77 as a brigadier general promoted to
major general in 1783. Scott later moved to Kentucky in 1785 and served
under General Saint Clair in the Indian wars, also with General Anthony
Wayne at the battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794. Scott also served as Governor
of Kentucky 1808-1812.
John Stark(1728-1822)
Born in Londonderry New Hampshire Colonel John Stark, a veteran campaigner
of the French and Indian War, Stark fought at Bunker Hill, Trenton and
Princeton. He resigned his commission because Congress promoted junior
colonels over his head. Stark then, accepted a commission as a brigade
general of New Hampshire militia recruited troops himself, he routed 1,400
Hessians at Bennington in August 16th 1777and was finally re-commissioned
a Brigadier General and was placed in command of the Northern Department.
Edward Stevens
Gold Selleck Silliman
William Smallwood (1732-1792) Born in Charles County Maryland. At the start of the Revolutionary War, Smallwood was placed in command of the Maryland's regiment in 1776. Fighting at the battle of Long Island and covered Washington's retreat. Smallwood also fought at White Plains afterwards was commissioned a brigadier general in October of 1776 and major general in September of 1780. Smallwood fought at the battle of Camden and received thanks from Congress. After the War Smallwood was elected Governor of Maryland and served from 1785 to 1788.
Thomas Sumter
(1734-1832) Revolutionary War Brigadier General; Member of the South Carolina
House and Senate; Congressman and U.S. Senator
General Thomas Sumter was born in Virginia, August 14, 1734 the
son of William
and Patience Sumter. Educated in common schools he engaged in
surveying in
Virginia, worked in his father's mill and after his father's early
death cared for his
mother's sheep and plowed his neighbor's fields.
A sergeant in the Virginia Militia he campaigned against the Cherokees.
accompanied a delegation to London and acted as interpreter for Cherokee
Indians before King George III. Returning to the colonies October 28, 1762,
landed in Charleston and spent that winter with the Cherokees. During that
he single handedly captured Baron Des Onnes, a French emissary sent to
stir up
trouble between the British and Cherokees. He was paid by the British ministry'
for information about Indian affairs along the frontier. Returning briefly
to Virginia,
he was arrested for an old debt, but escaped from Stanton Prison and came
overland to Eutaw Springs, SC where he invested his savings in land and
He also opened a crossroads store and earned such respect from the community
that he was made a justice of the peace in 1766.
Four years later he married the wealthy widow, Mrs. Cantey Gemstone, seven
years his senior. They settled in St. Mark's parish, opened another store,
sawmill and a grist mill. They had one child, a son, Thomas Sumter, Jr.,
August 30, 1768.
Served in Virginia Militia during Cherokee Indian War. Came to SC about
In Indian service on frontier for several years.
Captain in the "Snow Campaign" to subdue upcountry Tory (Loyalist) forces,
Lt. Col, 2nd SC Rifle Regiment, 1776.
Battle of Sullivan's Island, June 28, 1776.
Williamson's Campaign against Cherokees, Fall of 1776.
Georgia Campaign against the British (Fraser) raid from St Augustine.
Colonel of The Regiment, Continental Line, 1778.
Resigned commission as Commander of The Regiment, Continental Line, 1778.
After fall of Charleston to Clinton, 1780, while SC lay prostrate, Thomas
formed the first militia to renew the struggle. For 18 months he alone
was the SC
government, Governor Rutledge having moved the capitol to North Carolina.
Repulsed in attack on Tumbull's camp at Rocky Mount, July 30, 1780.
Defeated British at Hanging Rock, August 6,1780, destroying Prince of Wales
Defeated in surprise night attack by Tarleton at Fishing Creek, August
18, 1780.
Commissioned Brigadier General By Gov. Rutledge,October 6, 1780.
Won Battle at Fish Darn Ford, November 9, 1780 and captured Wemyss, British
Defeated Tarleton at Blackstock's, November 20, 1780. Wounded in back and
General Thomas Sumter served his country under four presidents.
General Thomas Sumter's service to his country during the Revolutionary
War is
well known and documented. His service to the fledgling Republic is perhaps
so well known. He was a man of many and varied interests ranging from
experiments with tobacco and cotton and silk worms. He also raised fine
horses. He founded the town of Stateburg after the war and held land grants
more than 150,000 acres of land. Service to his community, state and country
continued from 1782 to December 16, 1810 when he retired from public life.
He was elected a delegate from the district eastward of the Wateree to
the First
and Second Provincial Congresses which met in Charles Town in 1775 and
1776. There he was made a member of Council of Safety and immediately after
the Skirmish at Lexington was made a Captain of Rangers, and then a Lt.
Commandant of rifle regiment He was also present and took part in the adoption
of the second American State Constitution by the terms of which SC became
independent sovereignty.
In 1778 he was elected by his people to the first General Assembly under
the new
Constitution, and after his "War Days was elected to the state Senate which
in Johnsonborough, SC in 1782. Meanwhile, after having moved to Stateburg
what was then Camden District, from his former home on the Santee River,
was elected to the Assembly which me in Charleston in 1785. He was re-elected
and was a member of~the Assembly when, in 1788, the Proposed Constitutional
Convention, was received. He was again a member of the Legislature which
me in
1789, this being his last session in the State General Assembly, thereafter
other nominations.
He was elected to the First Congress which me in NY in 1789. He was elected
the Second Congress but suffered his only defeat in the election of 1793.
remained out of politics for three years but in 1796 he again offered and
elected as a member of Congress held in the new Capitol in Washington DC,
was the only member from SC who voted for Jefferson instead of Burr when
election for President was thrown into Congress.
December 1801, the General Assembly of South Carolina elected Congressman
Sumter over John Rutledge to fill Charles Pinkney's unexpired term as a
when the latter was sent to the Court of Spain. At the expiration of the
term he
was elected Senator and re-elected in December 1810. But Sumter then 76
of age and beginning to be weary of public service and harassed by complications
in his vast private enterprises, resigned and retired to end his days among
the High
Hills of Stateburg.
In the last year of life, he took a stand on a principle of government
closest to his
heart - that principle then, and now, referred to as "States Rights." It
was then
(1832) that Calhoun's doctrine of The right of anullifications by a state,
in the
event its reserved powers had been transgressed upon by the Federal
Government, was being insisted upon by South Carolina. That dispute was
at its
height when he died on June 1, 1832 at the age of 98. He was the last surviving
general officer of the American Revolution. He is buried at "South Mount",
home in Stateburg.
Bio. Source: USC, Sumter
US Congressional Archives
Anthony Wayne (1745-1796) A general of the American Revolution noted for his daring tactics, "Mad Anthony" Wayne won his nickname in 1779 by leading a surprise attack that overran the British fort at Stony Point on the Hudson River and captured 500 prisoners. Born in Pennsylvania in 1745, Wayne was commissioned a colonel in 1776 and covered the retreat of American forces from Quebec to Fort Ticonderoga. Commanding Pennsylvania's troops in Washington's Army, Wayne fought at Brandywine and Germantown in 1777 and Monmouth in 1778. When Pennsylvania troops mutinied in 1780, Wayne helped plead their case before Congress. In 1781 he joined in the Yorktown campaign. Sent by Washington in 1794 to fight Indians blocking settlement of the old Northwest Territory, Wayne won the battle of Fallen Timbers in Ohio (now Toledo). He died in 1796 while commanding forces in the Northwest Territory. General Anthony Wayne's Camp Bed Anthony Wayne Flag
George Weedon
William Woodford
David Wooster(1711-1777) Born in Fairfield Co., Conn. a brigadier general in the Connecticut
militia during the Revolutionary War. Before he was asked to lead the Revolutionary
forces, he served as an officer in the British army in the French and Indian
Wars and sailed on a schooner running blockades. General Benedict Arnold
came to Ridgefield in April of 1777 to fight the British who had landed
at Compo Beach at Westport, Conn., and marched north to Danbury, where
the Redcoats burned many homes and community buildings. On their way back
to the sea, the troops passed through Ridgefield Connecticut, where General
Arnold and General David Wooster, commanding the Connecticut militia, attacked.
Arnold's horse was shot out from under him on the Main Street of Ridgefield,
but he continued to fight. Wooster was wounded along the North Salem Road
(now Route 116). General Wooster
was taken to Danbury where he died a few days later, aged 66. Wooster also
founded the Masons in Connecticut. He obtained a Masons Charter from the
provincial grand lodge in Massachusetts and set up the first Connecticut
lodge in New Haven.
.A website with a great deal
of info David